Trust in the Lord
It becomes difficult and a bit frustrating when sincere prayer
about something that is our heart's desire is not answered the way we want. It becomes a source of feeling dejected and rejected
when the Lord says no to that which would have provided us much fulfillment. Whether it be hurdling a sickness
or loneliness, coping with a handicap, or seeking to augment life for a dear one whose life is ebbing , it seems so natural
and logical to expect a positive response. It becomes a difficult exercise to understand and accept this seemingly harsh reality
especially when one obediently walks along the righteous path.
For sure, we always wish to shy away from disappointments, sadness, and heartache. Those who deliberately go against
God's laws will always face these challenges. But sometimes, the other reason for adversity is to accomplish the Lord’s
own purposes in our life. Just like gold is tested by fire we may need to receive the refinement that comes from testing.
If one is suffering the disheartening effects of transgression, our teachings tell us that the only way to healing and
being restored to and with God is through deep and sincere conversion---repentance and faith. But how about the challenges
and tests thrown our way by a wise God Who feels some disturbing, pruning and refining are necessary even if we have been
obedient, submissive to His will?
In the old expression that "when it rains, it pours" comes our way, we end up questioning, bewildered, and some
even enter a negative state of rejecting God altogether. When those trials are not consequences of disobedience, could it
be that the Lord feels we are prepared to grow more? He, therefore, provides experiences that test the limits of our endurance
and patience, and to an extent, test our faith so we can learn to trust. Some serve a useful purpose; others do not. To ask: 'Why
does this have to happen to me? Why do I have to suffer this, now? What have I done to cause this? Haven't I've been faithful
in serving you?' Our natural instincts tell us to question why. But just like there are 2 ways of looking at a glass,
either half full or half empty, perhaps one can ask instead: 'What am I to do? What am I to learn from this experience?
What am I to change? Whom am I to help? How can I remember my many blessings in times of trial?' Sublimation and denial
of deeply held personal desires in favor of the will of God is very hard to do. Yet, when one prays with real conviction, “Please
let me know Thy will” and “May Thy will be done,” we may yet be in the strongest position to
receive the maximum help from a loving Father.
This life is a whole experiment in profound 'trust trust' in Jesus Christ,
trust in His teachings, trust in our capacity as led by the Holy Spirit to obey those teachings for happiness now and for
a purposeful, supremely happy eternal existence. To trust means to obey willingly without knowing the end from the beginning
. To produce fruit, trust in the Lord must be more powerful and enduring than confidence in our own personal feelings and
To exercise faith is to trust that the Lord knows what He is doing with us and that He can accomplish it for our eternal
good . This is even though we cannot comprehend how He can possibly do it. The Lord exhorts us to be childlike in our understanding
of eternal matters and their impact on us here on earth. Yet at times we act as if we know it all, and to use the lyrics of
a famous song, to do it "our way." Support will come from a deeply rooted faith and trust ensues when we begin accepting
with our hearts, submitting our own wills and surrendering to what His will is because He always knows what is best for us.
It might come one at a time, sometimes with one paralyzing blow. While we pass through each phase, the pain and difficulty
that come from being enlarged will continue. If all matters were immediately resolved at the first petition, growth is stunted
and remains stagnant. But as has been repeatedly said, God will not require us to experience a moment more of difficulty than
is absolutely needed .
As always, the perfect example of trust is Jesus Himself. Who could have asked with more perfect
faith, greater obedience, or more complete understanding and finally acceptance and trust than He when He asked His Father
in Gethsemane: “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou
For one, our acceptance of the will of the Father will not change what in His wisdom He has chosen
to do. However, it will certainly change the effect of those decisions on us personally. That evidence of the proper exercise
of agency allows His decisions to produce far greater blessings in our life. Because of our Father’s desire for us
to grow, He may give us gentle, almost imperceptible promptings that, if we are willing to accept without complaint, He will
enlarge to become a very clear indication of His will. This enlightenment comes because of our faith (deep conviction and
belief) and Trust, our willingness to do and accept what He asks even though we would desire something else.
Our Father in Heaven has invited us to express our needs, hopes, and desires unto Him during this weekend. That should
not be done in a spirit of negotiation, but rather as a willingness to obey His will no matter what direction that takes.
His invitation, “Ask, and ye shall receive” does not assure that we will get what we want. It
does guarantee that, if worthy, we will get what we need, as judged by a Father that loves perfectly,
who wants our eternal happiness even more than we do.
In the past, we have heard numerous testimonies that when the
Lord closes one important door in life, He shows His continuing love and compassion by opening many other compensating doors.
But this will all depend on our belief and faith that He will help us and a profound and abiding trust that He is out to fulfill
it. Trust at the end also requires that we accept that at the end, we submit and surrender through our exercise of its profundity
for the aftermath is glory.
Nonong Contreras
January 26, 2009 (UIOGD)