Meaning of Evangelization
Everything that
we do is about evangelization. What is evangelization? It is the proclamation
of the good news of Jesus to the world. Therefore, as CFC-FFL, our call and our
thrust is evangelization. The word “evangelization” sums up who we are and what
we are called to do. CFC-FFL is an evangelistic community, and all CFC-FFL
members are to become evangelizers.
How does this
happen? First we evangelize by the witness of our lives, both personal and
community. This is walking the talk. Second, we evangelize by the witness of
our mouths, through our programs and ministries. This is talking the walk.
Evangelization is not necessarily recruitment
We seek to
evangelize, not to recruit. We seek to save souls, not to chalk up numbers. But
since evangelization is a continuing process, which does not stop even after
someone has accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord, then we desire to bring in those
we are evangelizing into a support environment that can help move them on to
holiness of life and to service to Christ. These environments are the parishes,
religious groups, ecclesial communities, and of course CFC-FFL. For us, since
CFC-FFL, together with our involvement in our parishes, can provide the means
by which we can become a holy people of God, it is natural for us to seek to
bring people into CFC-FFL. As such, evangelizing them can continue in a
deliberate and structured manner. This is where the aspect of “recruitment”
comes in.
Evangelization comes in many different forms
There are the
formal programs such as the Life in the Spirit seminars and the CFC-FFL
Christian Life Seminar (CLS). But since evangelization is proclaiming the good
news of Jesus, then evangelization is also the many other works that people do
in the name of Christ. For us, these are works such as building communities
among the poor, our pro-life advocacy, and our service in our parishes.
Ultimately, however, we look to the CLS as our primary means of starting the
work of evangelization, because the CLS is the entry point to the fullness of
community life and support.
Evangelization and our Core Values
In doing
whatever we are doing, being centered on Christ and consequently speaking about
Christ is a must. This is what makes a work evangelization. Otherwise, it would
just be a good work, if we simply did good but did not witness to the Person
who causes us to do good works. If our good work does not ultimately introduce
a person to Christ, then it is still laudable good work (which Christians
should do), but it is not evangelization.
member is to be an evangelizer, in the ordinary day-to-day circumstances of his
life (with relatives, friends, neighbors, co-workers, co-students). Every
CFC-FFL member should be open to doing mission, which is to evangelize outside
of one’s parish, province or country.
starts with one’s self, then radiates to the other members of the family. In
turn, the family and the home become the base for evangelistic work that we do
in the larger society.
is nurtured in community, where the tools to growing in the Christian life are
offered, where the call to holiness is seriously looked to, where the
opportunity to serve others is provided, where brethren support each other to
enter more deeply into the life of Christ. Community also brings together the
varied spiritual gifts of members, together with human resources, to be able to
do a more massive and effective work of evangelization in the larger society
and in the world.
The very mission
of Jesus is to bring good news to the poor (Lk 4:18). This has
both spiritual and social dimensions. Our evangelization then takes us into the
realm of work with the poor, of having a preferential option for the poor, of
building the Church of the Poor.
follow in the footsteps of the Savior and Master, who is the One who sends us
forth to the ends of the earth. We are the slaves of Jesus. Many of us will be
called to leadership, and many will be used in the power of the Holy Spirit.
But there is only one Master, and our work of evangelization necessitates
servant leadership. This is according to the teaching of Jesus, where the
leader is the servant, where the greatest is the least of all.
Finally, our
evangelization brings us to serving the Church, through our parishes and
dioceses. We are an integral part of the Roman Catholic Church. We do the very
mission of Jesus, and the Church is the body of Christ on earth. We live out
our call as a lay ecclesial community that is integrated in the life and
mission of the Church. We make ourselves available for service in the parishes,
especially in the areas of family and life.
(November 4, 2008)
Our Mission for Family
and Life
Our vision and
mission statement reads:
are an evangelistic and missionary community committed to become families
empowered by the Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth. We strive for
holiness of life, as we commit to renew the temporal order through our work
with the poor, our work for justice, and our work for life. We are a servant of
the Church, working to renew her children through every generation and
throughout the world, until the Lord returns once again.
In turn, our
by-line is “Renewing the Family and Defending Life.”
We affirm our
call to evangelization as our
primary thrust, in accordance with Jesus’ commission in Mark 16:15 and Matthew
28:19. What is evangelization? It is proclaiming the good news of salvation in
Jesus. This work is to be done throughout the whole world. This in turn is the
missionary dimension of our call.
is through and by the family. The family is both the object and the subject of
evangelization. The condition of families will determine the condition of
societies and of the whole world. Strong families are also the base on which
our work will proceed. As John Paul II says: “The future of humanity passes by
way of the family.” Thus we affirm the priority of our evangelistic work, which
is marriage and family life. Evangelization and family come together in our Family
Ministries. Our Family
Ministries provide us a womb-to-tomb family renewal process, and the way for
our work to be passed on through the generations, until the Lord returns once
In line with
this, we must necessarily be concerned about the ever-growing pervasive culture
of death, which seeks to totally destroy marriage and the family. Thus our
thrust is also for life. We are strongly and proactively pro-life. We will
promote the culture of life. This is done through our Pro-Life Ministry.
Now the culture
of life can only thrive in a societal environment that is more and more
reflective of the kingdom of
God in our midst. As such,
we will also strive to do our share in
renewing the temporal order, aside from our spiritual work. This is concretized
in our Social Ministries, our work
of building the Church of the Poor. Here we will not necessarily get involved
in all social concerns, but will choose our battles, where the Lord leads us.
Currently, these are in three areas: our work of building integrated
communities among the poor, our prison ministry, and our work with migrants.
Other aspects of the social dimension—such as health, education, livelihood,
the environment—will be support programs.
Thus, we are an
evangelistic and missionary community. Everything we do is about
evangelization, as it is about Jesus Christ the Savior, and about this good
news that we proclaim to the world. Our evangelization in turn is composed of
three major thrusts—the Family Ministries, the Social Ministries, and the
Pro-Life Ministry.
In all these,
the Lord can only work to the full extent of the power of the Holy Spirit if we
are holy instruments. And so we look to the call to holiness and strive to walk
the way of Jesus, which is the way of the cross.
Finally, we are
an integral part of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. We exist to serve the
(November 4, 2008)
Pastoral Governance Structure (Password protected) click here to download file
PASTORAL ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE (Password protected) click here to download file
Parish Engagement letter - Sta Clara de Montefalco (password protected) click here to download file
What is the Couples for
Christ Foundation for Family & Life
The CFC Foundation for Family & Life is a
gathering of concerned CFC brethren looking to the restoration, preservation and strengthening of the authentic Couples for
Christ charism, focused on evangelization and family life renewal.
“Lead us back to
you, O Lord, that we may be restored” (Lam 5:21a)
We are at the crossroads in our
life and mission as CFC. There is intense conflict and disunity, even among the top leadership. CFC has been put in disfavor
with our bishops as a result of the lack of submission of top elders. The place of GK as a pillar of CFC is being eroded and
we are sliding to the social apart from the spiritual.
Have we lost our way?
We indeed have been guilty of infidelities
to our covenant, even as God continued to use us in the power of His Spirit in our first 25 years. But in His love for us,
God brought us to Lamentations this year, as His way of opening our minds to the dangers of continuing to slip away from our
call. Now there is conflict and disunity. But even this is part of God’s plan to purify us.
How do we find the right way?
“Lead us back to you, O Lord,
that we may be restored: give us anew such days as we had of old.” (Lam 5:21). The key to restoration is to go back
to our original charism. Going back is the way to go forward.
In 1993, we had 3 key words to describe
ourselves and our mission: Global, Wholistic, Catholic.
CFC is an evangelistic
and missionary community, serving the universal Church.
CFC is a family life
renewal movement, with womb-to-tomb support environments.
CFC is an integral
part of the life and mission of the Roman Catholic Church.
We are Families in the Holy
Spirit renewing the face of the earth.
We will still do work with the poor,
which is part of the mission of Jesus, but our work with the poor will not be our primary focus. The work for justice and
for life will be given equal importance. And none of these services should be allowed to negatively impact on our basic mission
of evangelization and family life renewal.
Lamentations is a time of purification,
leading to greater empowerment for the work ahead. Lamentations is about restoration. It is about fully living out our covenant,
and living out our call according to our original charism.
We all need to take responsibility
for the life and mission of CFC. Together, in this movement for restoration, let us all discern and follow where God moves
(Friday the 13th, July 2007)
Our Covenant (click here)
Our Core Values (click here)
Our Vision and Mission (click here)
Our Philosophy (click here)
Our Statutes (click here)